My role & responsibilities
Faculty & staff responsibilities:
- Learn about and keep informed about the procedures for Emergency Response Planning
- Sign up for UW Alerts at
- Follow the procedures outlined here during an emergency.
- During a lockdown/evacuation, do your best to check in with emergency personnel.
- Offer your assistance and perform assigned responsibilities.
- Notify someone in authority if you vacate the area.
Instructor responsibilities (when class is in session):
- Be prepared to take leadership and responsibility of your students and the classroom.
- Know the emergency evacuation process before the time arises.
- Treat every drill as real.
- Review your building emergency evacuation information.
- Know your classroom and determine how you would report an emergency.
- On your first day, take a moment to consider these questions: Is there a phone in the room? Does the room have windows? Do the windows open? What floor are you on? Where are the exits and entryways? Could you barricade the room if needed? How do the lights work?
- Learn who the building coordinator is.
- Follow appropriate emergency procedures.
- Have your class roster with you (when in session).
- Use the roster to account for students.
- Check in with the evacuation warden or emergency personnel.
- Offer to help.
Student / student employee responsibilities:
- Contact emergency services if others have not.
- Immediately notify faculty/staff of emergency.
- Treat all drills as real.
- Always follow the instructions of iSchool, UW, or emergency response representatives.
Building evacuation procedures:
- Remain calm.
- If nearby, take personal belongings (phone, wallet, purse, keys, ID).
- Exit using the nearest stairwell or door exit. Do NOT use elevators.
- Assist persons with disabilities.
- Follow directions from evacuation wardens or emergency personnel.
- Go to designated evacuation point and check in.
- Do not return to scene of emergency.
Building evacuation procedure for people with disabilities:
- Ground level: Use the nearest safe exit to the outside on the ground level to the closest unaffected wing.
- Stairway: Use nearest safe steps to reach ground level exits from the building.
- Remain in place: If there is no immediate danger, stay in a room with a window or fire-resistant door.
- Area of refuge: Assist individual(s) to area of refuge. Send someone for help. Notify the on-site emergency personnel of the location of the person(s).
- Assisted Evacuation with Device: If danger is imminent, use Assisted Evacuation Device to assist mobility-disabled persons
Floor warden responsibilities:
- Treat every drill as real.
- Remain calm and positive.
- Review UW Evacuation Warden duties.
- Contact for iSchool Evacuation Warden Training
- Familiarize yourself with iSchool emergency response guidelines.
- Know building exits and stairs locations.
- Know where iSchool emergency supplies are kept.
- Be prepared to assist persons with disabilities.
- Stay up to date on CPR/First Aid training.
- In an evacuation, take attendance using the Emergency Evacuation Roster.
- For a lockdown or situation where you need to take cover, SAFELY inform others in assigned area.
- Communicate status updates to the iSchool personnel coordinator (HR).
- Provide attendance and list of missing individuals to the building coordinator.
- Once safe, communicate status updates to the iSchool personnel coordinator (HR).